July 2, 2007

MOSS 2007

I had not heard too many good things about Sharepoint 2003, so when a new client approached us and asked if we could create a Sharepoint site for them in the new version, I was a little bit apprehensive to start with.

However since we had never worked on this technology we were also excited about doing this project. We went through a decent learning curve over a 4 week implementation period and I quite enjoyed the experience. For one thing, it looks like MOSS 2007 is a vast improvement over its predecessors. I would'nt rehash the improvements here as there are plenty of links on the internet that delve into exactly that.

In my spare time what I would like to do is try and document some of the interesting customisations that we implemented in Sharepoint. Many of them have already been discussed before at various forums or blogs, nevertheless I hope this blog will serve to be a point of reference and in due course be of some help to others.

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